Our Babies Ballet Classes

These classes are for our youngest dancers, starting at the age of 3, and introduce children to basic movement at an early age, thereby improving co-ordination and stimulating creativity & imagination.

Babies Ballet

Toddlers love to move, stretch and jump.

Teachers can introduce young children to new ways of moving their little bodies in entertaining and constructive ways. All forms of dance, and creative movement can be very beneficial.

Dance promotes discipline, coordination, memory, flexibility, strength, line, grace and stamina. Performing builds positive self-esteem and confidence, helps with other sports, and is just great fun!

All children are capable of relating and understanding basic techniques that are shown to them and demonstrated properly.

Introducing your child to dance is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.


These are the uniform options for our Babies Ballet Classes; click on any of the links below to view or purchase the item from our online store.

Venues & Timetable

We are currently running Babies Ballet classes at 4 venues in County Donegal.

Hover your mouse over the Babies Ballet timetable below for days, times & venues, or check out our full timetable here.
LocationDayBabies Ballet
Teac JackTuesdayNone Scheduled
GlassaghWednesdayNone Scheduled


Featured Testimonial

My daughter has been with The Forristal school of Dance for 10 years studying Ballet Modern and Jazz. The dance school is a huge part of her life and she plans on studying dance as a profession.

Deirdre is a wonderful and dedicated teacher who brings out the best in all her dancers.

caroline mc fadden